What is Erasmus Plus?
Erasmus Plus is the program that now brings together all the learning programs and mobilities offered by the EU (education, training, youth and sport) open to all European citizens.
Erasmus Plus is a program designed for students, young people (aged 16-30), trainers (people working in adult and youth education), teachers and organizations for educational and social purposes ( Schools, universities, non-profit organizations).
Aureka takes care to organize within the framework of this program: cultural exchanges, training courses, vocational training programs (ex-Leonardo da Vinci), internship and placement programs for students and unemployed young people, trainers and professors.
Aureka works both in the European programs of Key Action 1 (KA1) and Key Action 2 (KA2).
The main feature of this project is to raise awareness among young Europeans about economic and social french realities and to prepare them to trade between countries.
This program for young graduates consists in an experience of an internship in a French company. This experience allows young people, who hold a diploma with or without professional experience to verify their skills and put in practice the acquired knowledge and the know-how.
AUREKA as host agency is responsible for:
- Selection of candidates CV and interview (directly in the home country or via Skype)
- Research company and internship according to the capacity and needs of candidates
- Search accomodation (family, group housing, hotels, apartment hotel etc …) with or without food
- Logistic airport transfers and transport on site subscriptions.
- Monitoring, mentoring project, Europass, learning agreement and documentation required by the project
- Organization of business visits to theme, cultural excursions.
- Organization of weeks of language and / or initial preparation
- Animation of meetings intercultural preparation socio professional insertion in France (CV preparation and motivation letter, job search, differences with the country of origin and so on.)
Aureka worked as a partner in several research projects (KA2 , Leonardo da Vinci , Grundtvig , Equal etc … ). The research is based on strategic partnerships between countries on common issues such as education, socio – professional orientation, work, tools used for the development and exchange of good practices.
Aureka partner is responsible for:
- Research, management, monitoring of public and private partnerships
- Development and animation of company network
- Coordination of the project: cost assessment, identification of technical and human resources, budgets results
- Connection with local authorities
Aureka is open and evolving about new possible partnerships. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in developing a theme, a particular interest in common or Erasmus for Citizens projects too.